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사랑이 커 가는 자리

하늘기차 | 2013.07.03 12:57 | 조회 17658

캐나다에 살고있는 피터의 동생이 피터가 설명해준 고기교회 처음자리 모습을 그리며 지은 글입니다. 이 시에 피터가 친히 곡을 붙여 노래합니다. 한 번 따라해 보시지요. 고기교회를 사랑하는 마음이 가득합니다. 믿음의 땅, 거룩한 땅, 생명의 땅, 사랑이 자라는 땅입니다. 넘 감사. 과분하기도 하고, 고기교회의 주제가가 태어났습니다.

Love Grows Here (사랑이 커 가는 곳) Ed (6-15-13)

Plant a little seed of love in the ground

Open your hearts, scatter joy all around

Take the time to share with a sister or brother

We show we know Jesus when we love one another.

Chorus: (slower) We join hearts in this beautiful garden

We sense theLord’s Spirits on near

His sweet fragrance completely surrounds us

That’s because... loo..ove grows here.

You might be so shy, but still you can try

Reach out and help if you hear someone cry

Take a moment to share, you’ve good news to tell

Jesus sat and chatted with the woman at the well.

Chorus: (slower)

Beneath the sweet shade of Hebron’s great oaks

You can always meet some wonderful folks

Abraham was resting in their shade one day

When God stopped to talk, then went on His way.


We’re standing here in the Orchard of Eden

This blessed place where our hearts are meeting

In this weary world we now sing of our love

We shall oneday stand singing in the Garden above.


Plant a little seed of love in the ground

Open your hands, scatter joy all around

Take the time to share with a sister or brother

We show we know Jesus when we love one another.


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